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Dictionary of Algebra, Aritmetic and Trigonometry

Dec 18, 2011

Cover Book
Category : Mathematics (E - Book)
Title of Books :Dictionary of Algebra, Arithmetic and Trigonometry

Author : Douglas N. Clark & Stan Gibilisco
Publisher :CRC Press, London, New York Washington DC
Year Published : 2000
Code Book :  1-58488-052-x

The second volume of the CRC Press Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics covers algebra, arithmetic and trigonometry broadly, with an overlap into differential geometry, algebraic geometry, topology  and  other  related  fields.  The authorship  is by well  over 30 mathematicians,  active in teaching and research, including the editor. 
Because  it is a dictionary and not an encyclopedia,  definitions  are only occasionally accompanied by  a discussion or example.  In a dictionary of mathematics, the primary goal is to define each term rigorously. The derivation of a term is almost never attempted. The dictionary  is written  to  be a useful  reference for a readership  that includes students, scientists, and  engineers with  a wide range of  backgrounds, as well  as specialists  in  areas of  analysis and differential equations and mathematicians in related fields.  Therefore, the definitions are intended to be accessible, as well as rigorous.  To be sure, the degree of accessibility may depend upon  the individual term, in a dictionary with terms ranging from Abelian cohomology to z intercept. 
Occasionally a term must be omitted because it is archaic.  Care was taken when such circum- stances arose to ensure that the term was obsolete.  An  example of an archaic term deemed to be obsolete, and hence not included, is “right line”. This term was used throughout a turn-of-the-century analytic geometry textbook we needed to consult, but it was not defined there. Finally, reference to a contemporary English language dictionary yielded “straight line” as a synonym for “right line”. The authors are grateful to the series editor, Stanley Gibilisco, for dealing with  our seemingly endless procedural questions and to Nora Konopka, for always acting efficiently  and cheerfully with CRC  Press liaison matters. 

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