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Grade 8 - Chapter 4 - SLETV/SPLDV Part 7

Nov 6, 2011

Systems of Linear Equation in Two Variables (SLETV)
Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV)

Standard of Competence :
2.  Understanding System of Linear Equation in Two variables and Using it in problem solving
Memahami SPLDV dan menggunakannya dalam pemecahan masalah

Basic Competence :
2.3 Making mathematics models from daily life that related with LESTV
Membuat model matematika dari peristiwa sehari – hari yang sesuai dengan SPLDV.

Learning Objective :
1.       Students are able to make mathematics models from daily life related with SLETV
Siswa dapat membuat model matematika dari peristiwa sehari-hari yang sesuai dengan SPLDV
2.       Students are able to solve mathematics models from daily life related with SLETV and its interpretations
Siswa dapat menyelesaikan masalah dari model matematika dari peristiwa sehari-hari yang sesuai dengan SPLDV

Learning Materials :
The Aplication of SLETV
Aplikasi SPLDV

Resume Materials :
4.4. Aplication of  SLETV
  1. Mathematical Models
  2. Application of SLETV

1.      Mathematical Models
To build the mathematical model, do the following steps :
  1. Represent the unknown quantities with distinc variables
Dua besaran yang belum diketahu dimisalkan sebagai variabel dalam SPLDV yang akan dihapus
  1. Translate the statements relating the unknown quantities into the mathematical language.
Dua pernyataan yang menghubungkan kedua besaran tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam kalimat matematika

2.      Application of SLETV
To  solve a SLETV to  word problem related, do the following steps :
  1. Build a SLETV for its mathematical models
         Tentukan model matematika menjadi SPLDV
  1. Solve the SLETV using one of the available methods
          Selesaikan SPLDV dengan menggunakan salah satu metode
  1. Use the root, to answer the questions posed by the problem
          Gunakan solusi SPLDV untuk mencari pertanyaan yang diajukan
Example :
10 books and 4 pencils are sold for Rp. 38.000, while
6 books and 2 pencils are sold for Rp. 22.000.
  1. Build its mathematical model involving a system of equation  ?
        Suppose :
                books = x          and        pencils = y
                10 x + 4 y = 38.000
                 6 x + 2 y   = 22.000

  1. Determine and solve its system of equations ?
10x + 4y = 38.000  | * 1|  10x + 4y  = 38.000
6x + 2y   = 22.00     | *2|   12x + 4y  = 44.000 –
                                                 - 2x        = - 6.000
                                                     x         = 3.000 

Subtituting  x=31. 000   to                6x + 2y  = 22.000
                                                6 (3.000) +  2y  = 22.000
                                                18.000 + 2y          = 22.000
                                                                  2y       = 4.000
             y              = 2.000
.:.  books (x )   = 3.000                  pencils ( y )    = 2.000 

  1. Find the total price 6 pencils and 2 books ?
                 books (x )        = 3.000                  pencils ( y )       = 2.000 
6y + 2 x                 = 6 (2.000) + 2 (3.000)
                                                      = 12.000 +  6.000
      = 18.000
.:. Total price 6 pencils and 2 books are Rp. 18.000

Exercise :
1.       2 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of slippers are sold Rp. 270.000, while 3 pairs of the same shoes and 4 pairs of the same slippers are sold for Rp 390.000. Find the total price of 4 Pairs of shoes and 5 pairs of slippers!
2.       Two natural numbers adds up to 60 and the differnce between the two is 30. Find that two numbers!
3.       The length of the perimeter of a rectangle is 160 cm. Its length is 20 cm more than its width. Find the length and the width of the rectangle!
4.       4 cows and 3 goats are sold for Rp. 30.400.000 while 2 cows and 5 goats are sold for Rp. 18.000.000. Find the price of cows and goats!

Reference :
          Adinawan, Cholik. Sugiyono. 2009. Math for Junior High School 1st  Semester Grade VIII. Jakarta : Erlangga
          Agus, Nuniek Avianti, 2008. Mudah Belajar Matematika 2 Untuk Kelas VIII SMP/MTs. Jakarta : BSE Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
          Dirgen Management of Primary and Scondary Education . 2009. Mathematics Grade VIII Junior High School.  Jakarta : Directorate of Junior High School Development
          Nuharini, Dewi. Tri Wahyuni. 2008. Matematika Konsep dan Aplikasinya Untuk Kelas VIII SMP dan MTs. Jakarta : BSE Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
          Nugroho,Heru. Lisda Maesaroh. 2009. Matematika SMP  dan MTs Kelas VIII . Jakarta : BSE Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

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-== Sky Boy ==-                 

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